
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Who Am I?

Life has been more than hectic the past few months, as witnessed by my lack of blogging.  Often, though, I am just too tired to share something about our lives in Germany.  Today I had two similar experiences, both rejuvenating in their affect on my soul.  Let me share...

A friend sent us a package which I had to retrieve from the Post this morning.  While I continue to work on German in fits and starts, progress is slow and my concern about speaking to Germans lingers.  I walked in the Post and said, "Guten Morgen" receiving a cheery response from the Postmaster.  And then he asked if a postcard had been sent by me.  On the desk lay a square card I had mailed to our granddaughter a week ago.  Her address, my note, but no return address, no stamp.  I looked at him in amazement.  How did he know it was mine?  But he did.  He knew me.  He recognized me.  I am part of the community after all, regardless of my language skills!  I paid for the extra postage, picked up my package, thanked him, and left.   Recognition caused my spirit to soar.

Once back at the apartment I made a phone call for an overdue hair cut.  Speaking to Oliver about my timing needs, I said, "I'm Carolyn", to which he responded, "I guessed!"  I have not seen Oliver since late September, but he guessed at who I am?  He knows me!  I DO have a place in this community.  Wow.  The sense of freedom that thought gives.  I am thankful.

An added dimension to this call is my HUGE fear of making calls here in Germany.   I had prayed and sought help from God to make me bold enough to do something as simple as making a phone call today.  The song He Knows My Name (lyrics by Tommy Walker) keeps coming to mind.  Some of the words are:
                         "He knows my name,
                      He knows my every thought.
          He sees each tear that falls and hears me when I call."
My Heavenly Father knew how much I struggle with being a fish out of water, how I stress about phone calls to Germans.  He knows my name and gave me the gift of discovering others know it, too.


  1. I don't know why you're surprised, Carolyn. You are an American in Germany, which automatically sets you apart, but the most important thing is that you are a warm, gregarious, caring, kind person, which makes people like you and remember you. You are the kind of person that shopowners want to have as a customer. You are a good person, and that makes people want you around them, as we do. (And your German will ALWAYS be so much better than mine!) Anyway, I'm glad that you're feeling welcome and a part of the community.

  2. That is sweet. God is good and gives us glimpses of His presence just when we need them. Made me smile.
