
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

A Walk

Cabin fever sets in very quickly for this girl from sunny Southern California.  Yesterday's weather cleared to a lovely warm and sunny day, but today has been rainy and dreary all day long.  I need to get outside!

As we walked up our street to the edge of town we noticed a couple with a Rhodesian Ridgeback, a reminder of our dog, Frito.  We followed them around the corner and up toward the bio farm, but were caught up by the goats in the pen.  Six, no seven, no eight goats came trotting to the fence to pay their respects.  "Kein futtern" signs reminded us not to give them any food.

Before we left our goat friends we noticed a large herd of cows out grazing in the pasture to the left.  During the winter and early spring the cows have been kept in the barns.  This is an encouraging sign that our weather is improving.  We stood fascinated by thirty cows chewing as they meandered toward the barn.

Behind us the hills rolled green and inviting.  Clouds covered the Rhine Valley, but the knowledge that it was out there added to the exhilaration.  Birds sang their songs and buttercups begged to be picked.

We marveled at the trees and brush which had been cleared as we crossed over a hill and into another small valley.  More people were out walking and enjoying the cloudy, but dry, afternoon.  The little stream that flows from the side of the hill quietly gurgled down to the Kander.  We listened for the call of the coo coo bird, but never heard it.

Rounding a corner we encountered a standard-sized collie walking our way.  With a quiet "Sitz" its owner had the dog sit and patiently wait for us to pass.  German dog owners have the Dog Whisperer down pat!
WWI/WWII Memorial

Making a quick left we climbed the hill which is crowned with the World War I, World War II Memorial.  The view from there keeps us guessing.  Which building is that?  Where are the storks?  Can you see Sausenburg?  Oh, I see Schloss Burgeln.  On our way down another goat herd caught our eye and we stopped to count eight young ones among the momma goats.

Kandern from afar
Just before arriving back at the apartment I stopped to smell the lilacs.  Lilacs bloom every where here, filling the air with their sweet perfume.

We are back home again, and I am content.  Forty-five minutes through the woods has a blissful affect on me.  Now off to cook dinner!

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