
Monday, September 8, 2014

Bring It On!

Just before school began this year a devotional I read was titled "Bring It On!" and taken from II Corinthians 11:22-12:10.  The 9th verse of II Corinthians 12 has long been one of my favorites - God said to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."  Teaching chemistry these last two years has been the example of God's strength using my weakness.

After reading the passage, I left for meetings at BFA, only to discover that I was assigned 8 more students and one more class than last year.  The rest of my day I grumbled, I argued, I fretted - and I even lost sleep over 62 students in four classes.

The following morning,  I saw "Bring It On!" on the page tucked into my Bible.  My thought:  Yes, dear Lord, bring it on.  I did not choose this road for me; You did.  I cannot walk this road in my own strength, but You promised to walk it with me.  You have proven faithful to that promise these past two years.

Now, two weeks into the school year, my classes have settled, my mind has cleared, and I am teaching one more year, not in my own strength, but in His.  Yep, bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. There's never been any doubt that you can handle anything thrown at you, Carolyn. This is just more proof of that.
    Glad you're getting back into "the routine" - welcome home!
    Kathy and Steve
